How do I find articles on social issues?


If your assignment has you researching a social issue, the best database to start with is Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Opposing Viewpoints provides many types of sources for your topic, including articles from newspapers, magazines and peer-reviewed or academic journals, videos, audio files, statistics and approved websites.

Searching in Opposing Viewpoints:

  1. At the Ritz Library homepage, find the link for Database List (located in the Research & Study box) and click it
    1. Find Opposing Viewpoints and click on it
  2. Sign into the database with your DCC username and password
    1. NOTE: your DCC username is typically your first name, a dot, then your last name.
  3. When the database search page comes up, look for the Browse Issues lightbulb near the top of the page to the right.
    1. You’ll see a list of the most popular topics in the database. Clicking on any of them will take you to a page like this one:

b. The first source on the page is an essay that will give you a summary of basic information about the topic.

c. The gray box below is where you’ll find the magazine and journal articles, newspapers, websites, statistical articles, video and audio files. Simply click on the type of source that interests you or may be required for your assignment.

Alternatively, you can search by keyword, especially if you do not see your topic on the Browse Issues page:

  1. Find the search box at the top of the page
    1. Type in your search terms. If you have more than one term, separate them with the word AND in capital letters
    2. Click the Search button to the left or hit Enter
    3. You’ll get a list of resources similar to the topic pages from Browse Issues.

An additional database called Global Issues in Context is available and may give you a broader list of sources. Where you see Opposing Viewpoints to the left of the search box, click it and you’ll be able to select Global Issues or Both.




  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2024
  • Views 22
  • Answered By Tom Trinchera

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