What are some library services and research tools? Why are they important? Can I make an appointment with a librarian?


The following are some of the tools and services that the Ritz Library offers:

  • Databases provide access to ebooks, articles, newspapers, media, etc.  We offer an extensive list of databases, many of them specialized such as Entrepreneurial Studies, Education Source, etc.
  • Our research guides cover every major subject area offered at Dutchess Community College and can be considered a one-stop shopping mart of resources.  Subject guides can be a good place to start your research on a given topic. In some cases, a specialized class guide may also exist.
  • Chat with a librarian provides you online coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year through chat.  Here you can ask librarians for help with your research needs.  DCC librarians are available during regular open hours and covering librarians world-wide are available after hours to help you. 
  • Book-a-Librarian service enables you to make a private appointment with a librarian so you can work directly with a librarian on whatever your research topic is. Book-a-Librarian may be conducted in person or through Zoom, based on your needs.
  • Visit About Us: Library Services & Collections to learn about even more services and tools.


  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2024
  • Views 57
  • Answered By Tina Kiernan

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