How do I find literary criticism articles?


"Literary criticism" can be defined as essays on books, plays, poems or short stories by experts on literary works where they discuss themes, characters, settings and offer opinions and interpretations on them. If your professor has given you an assignment to find articles, we have various full text literary databases that you can use.  

It may be helpful to start on the database page of our English research guide.  Gale Literature is highly recommended.  

english literary databases

Log in to the database with your MyDCC username (firstname.lastname) and password.

Click on Advanced Search:


Enter the information about the book/short story/poem and its author as shown below: 


Click Search.

Your list of results will look like this, click any of the blue links to access an article: 


Need need an MLA citation? Click the Cite icon in the upper right – it appears as a set of quotation marks:

If the results in Gale Literature do not meet your needs, go back to the English and Literature guide where there are several other databases you can search. 

Alternatively, you can use RitzDiscovery search. On the Ritz Library homepage, find the box below and type in the name of the work and the author's name, followed by the word "criticism".

Searching RitzDiscovery

When your results appear, click on the filter Resource Type and Articles to limit the list to articles.

RitzDiscovery literary criticism search

If you run into difficulties or have any questions about using the database, don’t hesitate to contact us through Live Chat on the library homepage.

  • Last Updated Jul 09, 2024
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Tom Trinchera

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