How do I get or create citations for articles?
Your professor might require that you cite your sources in your research papers. There are two chief citation styles MLA (Modern Language Association) and APA (American Psychological Association). Your professor will let you know which format to use.
Our online catalog, RitzDiscovery, provides ready-made citations, either in APA or MLA. After you click the title of an item in your results list, look for the citation icon in the Send to section. Click the green link below to copy the citation for your references list.
The full-text article databases that the Ritz Library provides also have citations available for articles, ebooks and other resources in them. When you click the title link for an article, look for an icon marked Cite or Citation and choose APA or MLA. Some examples are:
If you have a source that does not have a ready-made citation you can use a generator like EasyBib or myBib. Please note that generators are only as good as the information you feed into them -- take a few moments to identify the components of the original source before you use the form. Links for generators can be found in the Ritz Library's guide for citation styles.